about me

now: lecture by miltos manetas at UCLA in EDA see it.

click here to see my paintings and other artworks.

i create art and situations.


read some of my texts and theories.

i am as neen as possible but i am still very telic: (

i live between new york and los angeles. in los angeles i am producing the electronic orphanage, a club for neen and telic people.

check my links and email me.

now working on

click here to see what i am doing now.

i believe that websites are today's most radical art.

check jesusswimming.com. check a portrait of guy debord at guydebord.com.

check beforethewar.com.
check also whoops at biribiri.com. it is the first thing i ever did on a computer, back in 1994

read about the fourfortyfour theory.

a cover and a text for an italian book about videogames by matteo bittanti

in the eo, we create adventures such as the tiranabiennale,and the whitneybiennial.com.

and our last, afterneen at CASCO, holland where a computerized car crashed the show and destroyed the place and the exhibition.




i hate copyright,
in fact, I copied the design of this page from nikola tosic.

people who do something amazing, are material for personofthemonth.com. angelo plessas is p.o.m for dec 2002.

here are the books I read in this moment. these are the movies that I watch.

here is what the press wrote about me and here are some of my interviews.

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